Cookies and Analytics Policy

At FuelCompare, we value your privacy and strive to enhance your experience while respecting your choices. We use various technologies on our website, including cookies, to improve functionality, analyze our website's performance, and support advertising efforts. Specifically, we use Google Analytics, PostHog analytics, Google Ads, and essential (strict) cookies.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a service that helps us understand how visitors interact with our website. It uses cookies to collect information about website usage, such as the frequency of visits and pages viewed, without identifying individual visitors. The data collected is used to improve our website and services.

Google Ads

We utilize Google Ads to display advertisements that are relevant to you. Google Ads uses cookies to personalize the ads based on your previous visits to our website and other websites on the internet. This helps us show you more relevant ads and improves the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns.

PostHog Analytics

PostHog is a privacy-focused analytics tool that tracks user interactions on our website without personal data collection or reliance on cookies. It helps us understand user behavior in a privacy-preserving manner, enabling us to enhance site functionality and user experience.

Strict Cookies

Strict cookies are essential for the website to function correctly. They include cookies required for site navigation, security, and access to specific features. These cookies do not track personal information or browsing habits and are not used for advertising purposes.

Your Consent Choices

Upon visiting our website, you will be prompted to consent to our use of cookies and analytics tools. You have the option to accept all cookies, reject non-essential cookies, or customize your preferences to select which types of cookies you agree to:

  • Accept All: Allows the use of Google Analytics, Google Ads, and essential cookies for the best website experience.
  • Reject Non-Essential: Only essential (strict) cookies will be used, ensuring basic website functionality without tracking or advertising cookies.
  • Customize: Enables you to specify your preferences for different types of cookies and analytics tools used on our site.

You can change your cookie preferences at any time through our cookie settings panel. Please note, rejecting or customizing your cookie preferences may impact your user experience and the availability of certain website features.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our use of cookies and analytics tools, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]